Thursday, 31 May 2007
A few chillis outside
These guys are outside in the yard.
Szentesi Semi-Hot, Rocoto Canarios and Tequila Sunrise. The far left pot I'm not sure about.
Chillied by Ralpharama at 19:03 0 hot comments
Monday, 21 May 2007
Black Hungarian - First Open Flowers
Thursday, 10 May 2007
Aphids attack!!
Little bastards. I noticed a couple on a kitchen windowsill plant, they probably got in through the window. I isolated it outside immediately and, as it wasn't near any others, forgot about it.
Next day I was checking my other indoor plants (downstairs) and spotted a couple more there! You know how this goes - once you see one, you see a thousand.
So, soapy water was sprayed liberally over all of them yesterday. I'm still waiting to see how it goes. There are still a few littl'uns running about the leaves, so they'll probably need more spraying.
Damn it.
Upstairs plants seem clear for now.
Chillied by Ralpharama at 15:30 1 hot comments
Moving outside, batch #1 (~77 days)
The first lot to go outside. A Thai Orange, a Szentesi and a Rocoto Canarios.
Note the wire to discourage our local cat that uses this wall as a shortcut!
After I put these guys out the weather turned grey and cold and very windy. I watched in horror from the kitchen window as they looked very cold and sad...
Some outside chillis at about 70 days
Monday, 7 May 2007
Friday, 27 April 2007
Flowers!? At 67 days old!
Yikes, flowers are growing on several of my chillis, after less than 70 days!
I'm in the process of clipping them off, as most plants aren't even 1 foot tall yet and not bushy at all.
This shows the flowers forming on the Tequila Sunrise.
Chillied by Ralpharama at 13:15 0 hot comments
Thursday, 19 April 2007
Black Hungarian Identity Image
Monday, 16 April 2007
Tequila Sunrise (~ 56 days)
'Tequila Sunrise' chilli at about 56 days. This is going strong, seems to be a fast grower. Now putting out many side shoots, medium-sturdy stems. Average-sized leaves.
Chillied by Ralpharama at 16:20 0 hot comments
Tam Jalapeno (~ 56 days)
Tam Jalapeno (Capsicum annuum ?) at about 56 days. Slighty-darker, frequent leaves, medium-fast grower. Average build.
Chillied by Ralpharama at 16:17 0 hot comments
Jamaican Yellow (~ 56 Days)
The Jamaican Yellow chilli (Capsicum annuum) at about 56 days. Medium-speed grower, fairly light-coloured leaves, not stocky.
Chillied by Ralpharama at 16:15 0 hot comments
Tags: jamaican
Fatali (~ 56 days)
The Fatali chilli (Capsicum frutescens ?) at about 56 days. Recently replanted it seems to be a slow grower, quite stocky and broad-leaved. I suspect it will not be a tall plant.
Chillied by Ralpharama at 16:12 1 hot comments
Tags: fatali
Group shots (~ 56 days)
This is the bedroom group, which get more sun than any others. The big one is the Ole Jalepeno.
And this is the dining room group.
Chillied by Ralpharama at 16:09 0 hot comments
Tags: group
Thursday, 5 April 2007
A selection of chilli plants at 44 days
These are the average size of plants I have at the moment. Some much larger and some still only two-leaf seedlings.
Chillied by Ralpharama at 17:37 0 hot comments
Tags: chilli
Friday, 30 March 2007
Hot Purple Prince (~ 38 Days)
Monday, 26 March 2007
Money Spider on Orange Thai Chilli Plant
Thursday, 22 March 2007
Tequila Sunrise (~ 30 days)
This is the 'Tequila Sunrise' chilli (Capsicum Annuum) at about 30 days after germination.
Been repotting a few more plants each couple of days when they sprout about 3 or 4 leaves.
Chillied by Ralpharama at 12:37 0 hot comments
Monday, 19 March 2007
Paper Lantern (~ 27 Days)
Saturday, 17 March 2007
Friday, 16 March 2007
Repotting at about 25 days
Transfer into larger pots from the mini-trays. Fill the pot and make a hole large enough (and deep enough) to push the knocked-out seedling and soil into. If you do it quickly you should be able transfer it all without the soil all falling off and finding yourself grasping at slim stem and delicate roots in your big banana-like fingers.
Once potted, water and leave to settle in.
Wednesday, 14 March 2007
Tuesday, 13 March 2007
I just found one of these guys crawling beside one of my seedlings and picked it up and threw it out of the window before I thought to take a picture.
The image below is taken from [here] (I'm sure they won't mind) It looks as if it's a 'carpet beetle', and not a threat...
So, my stair carpet may be in danger, but at least the chillis are fine...
Chillied by Ralpharama at 16:50 0 hot comments
Rocoto Canarios (21 days)
Another picture of the Rocotos - it is the biggest of all of the seedlings now. It is finally putting out some new leaves!
All seedlings are out of the propagator now.
It seems that I don't have any Goat Horn after all - I was misreading my labels! All others have sprouted at least one though.
Chillied by Ralpharama at 10:41 0 hot comments
Friday, 9 March 2007
Late developers
Finally, I have a sprouting Goat Horn, Jamaican Yellow, Szentesi and Indian Jwala.
All going well so far. Other, more developed seedlings have started to push out the first real leaves to replace the starter sets.
Thursday, 8 March 2007
Seed tray view
I have now removed all the sprouted seedlings and moved them to a sunny windowsill. The still dormant or very young have been left in the propagator.
Chillied by Ralpharama at 13:04 0 hot comments
Monday, 5 March 2007
Leaf detail and muse
This chilli looks pretty healthy.
We've reached the stage now where half of the plants probably need to be taken out of the propagator and left in as much sunlight as possible. I think I'll have to cut up my seed trays to do this and leave the unsprouted chillis in there.
Also, I have some Fatali seeds beginning to sprout today. Still no Goat Horn though.
Sunday, 4 March 2007
Little guys
You might have to enlarge this one to see them, but I just noticed all these little plants growing in my seed tray. no idea what they are, but they're quite cute anyway.
Chillied by Ralpharama at 12:43 0 hot comments
Tags: mystery
Saturday, 3 March 2007
Friday, 2 March 2007
News: Chillis will make me thin too?
"Chilli extract may stop fat cell growth" (see link above)
Capsaicin, the compound that gives red pepper its heat, could inhibit the growth of fat cells, says a new laboratory study.Oh good...
Chillied by Ralpharama at 12:44 0 hot comments
Hot Purple Prince (~4 days)
Thursday, 1 March 2007
Stuck seed casing
This is a pretty common problem - the seed casing isn't pushed off by the growing starter leaves and remains stuck. If left the chilli will often recover or burst it off later, but I've had a few that just die. You can, very carefully, pull it off:
Grasp the chilli seedling with finger and thumb gently. With other finger and thumb grip the seed casing and gently pull, slowly. The casing should slide off with just a little resistance. If it won't budge, don't force it, but leave it another day or two and try again.
Chillied by Ralpharama at 09:32 0 hot comments
Um, we have a problem...
Wednesday, 28 February 2007
Tuesday, 27 February 2007
Tequila Sunrise (3 days)
Thursday, 22 February 2007
Balloon rising (day 2)
I plan to try and take and post a picture every day if I can.
This is the balloon again, 2 days old. The stem is looking very white - no green at all.
Chillied by Ralpharama at 09:44 0 hot comments
Wednesday, 21 February 2007
Tuesday, 20 February 2007
My first sprout picture
The Rocoto Canarios seedling. It hasn't quite poked its head out, but you can see the bend of it's neck. There's also sign of life in some others. I'm expecting leafage tomorrow...
Chillied by Ralpharama at 15:19 0 hot comments
the first arrival
a pic of the first of my seeds to show signs of life on 18th, a balloon... which was closely followed by two orange thai seedlings...
it is looking very fragile and in need of some serious sun.
Chillied by colonel at 13:39 1 hot comments
First sprout for Ralph
Oh yes, it might be tiny, teeny and hardly visible, but the Rocoto Canarios has sprouted.
Just as well, as the Colonel texted me at 8:55am today to tell me that he had 3 more...
Picture to follow later, as the wife has the camera with her.
An interesting fact from Wikipedia about Rocotos (see title link):
The plant has purple blossoms and the seeds are dark brown or black. The plants grow up to 6 ft high if supported.
Chillied by Ralpharama at 11:53 0 hot comments
Sunday, 18 February 2007
The Colonel tells me that he's got a sprout, the Balloon. He even sent me an MMS of it.
To me, it looks like a weed that was in his compost... that's what I think...
Chillied by Ralpharama at 19:13 0 hot comments
Tuesday, 13 February 2007
here i am
yada yada yada....
well, yes the daily checking is still showing no signs of life yet... better pictures to come when i get a bright enough day to do some natural sunlight shots...
Chillied by colonel at 22:45 1 hot comments
- aphids (1)
- balloon (2)
- beetle (1)
- black (6)
- bugs (1)
- case (1)
- chilli (37)
- chinese (1)
- chlli (1)
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- detail (1)
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- fat (1)
- fatali (2)
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- georgia (1)
- goat (2)
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- hairy (2)
- hot (2)
- hungarian (6)
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- jalepeno (2)
- jamaican (2)
- jwala (1)
- label (1)
- lantern (1)
- leaf (6)
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- news (1)
- orange (1)
- outside (3)
- paper (1)
- pencil (1)
- planting (5)
- prince (5)
- problem (2)
- purple (5)
- repotting (2)
- Rocoto (5)
- roots (1)
- seedling (13)
- seeds (9)
- soil (3)
- spider (1)
- sprout (7)
- stem (1)
- sunrise (2)
- szentesi (4)
- tam (2)
- tequila (6)
- thai (3)
- tray (2)
- water (2)
- yellow (1)