Wednesday, 28 February 2007

Georgia Flame (3 days)

Just a detail of the Georgia Flame chilli leaf.

Hot Purple Prince (2 days)

Check out that lilac colour!

Tuesday, 27 February 2007

Black Hungarian (3 days)

This is the first chilli (the Black Hungarian) to sprout that seems to have a coloured stem.

Tam Jalepeno (3 days)

Detail of water on the new leaf of a Tam Jalepeno chilli seedling.

Tequila Sunrise (3 days)

Been in Edinburgh for a few days, the seeds were removed from the window and placed on the sofa, out of direct sun (fear of wilting).

On our return I find about 10+ new shoots and some real leafage.

This is the Tequila Sunrise, about 3 days old.

Thursday, 22 February 2007

Balloon rising (day 2)

I plan to try and take and post a picture every day if I can.

This is the balloon again, 2 days old. The stem is looking very white - no green at all.

Wednesday, 21 February 2007

Balloon rising...

This is the seed-head of the balloon chilli, which has started to grow.

Tuesday, 20 February 2007

My first sprout picture

The Rocoto Canarios seedling. It hasn't quite poked its head out, but you can see the bend of it's neck. There's also sign of life in some others. I'm expecting leafage tomorrow...

the first arrival

a pic of the first of my seeds to show signs of life on 18th, a balloon... which was closely followed by two orange thai seedlings...

it is looking very fragile and in need of some serious sun.

First sprout for Ralph

Oh yes, it might be tiny, teeny and hardly visible, but the Rocoto Canarios has sprouted.

Just as well, as the Colonel texted me at 8:55am today to tell me that he had 3 more...

Picture to follow later, as the wife has the camera with her.

An interesting fact from Wikipedia about Rocotos (see title link):

The plant has purple blossoms and the seeds are dark brown or black. The plants grow up to 6 ft high if supported.

Sunday, 18 February 2007



The Colonel tells me that he's got a sprout, the Balloon. He even sent me an MMS of it.

To me, it looks like a weed that was in his compost... that's what I think...

Tuesday, 13 February 2007

here i am

yada yada yada....

well, yes the daily checking is still showing no signs of life yet... better pictures to come when i get a bright enough day to do some natural sunlight shots...

Still nothing

I do realise that it's a bit soon, but each day is a disappointment, when there are no little sprouts in my tray...

I still have to plant another 5 or so types, but am of the opinion that a week or two won't make much difference, and in fact, we may have been too early with the others anyway?

The Colonel says that he was going to take some pictures of his Szentesi seeds using his super-macro lens, but I see no evidence of it. I think he's just a little fearful that my lovely macro picture is hard to beat...

Friday, 9 February 2007

The Colonel Begins

The Colonel tells me that he planted all of his seed varieties last night, which actually leaves me behind in the planting stakes (I have 4 types left to do).

Too tired and frustrated to plant seeds tonight though. You need a good, calm frame of mind to begin such things.

Right, off to the pub instead...

Thursday, 8 February 2007

What are you growing again?

Ah yes, I forgot to mention:

Balloon, Paper lantern Habanero, fatali, Black Hungarian, Aurora, Orange Thai, Tam Jalapeno, Jamaican Yellow, Georgia Flame, Szentesi Semi-Hot, Goat Horn, Tequila Sunrise, Indian Jwala, Hot Purple Prince, Rocoto Canarios, Purple Tiger and Ole Jalepeno.

Should be enough for now...

Pretty seeds?

Most chilli seeds look the same - open any supermarket chilli and you'll see what I mean. There are a few varieties that seem to be a bit different though.

Szentesi Semi-Hot:

Planting: Step 7 - Leave it!

Cover and place in a warm (cough) place for a week or two.

Planting: Step 6 - Labels

Remember to stick some masking tape on the sides, so you know which are which.

Planting: Step 5 - Insertion

Drop the seed into the hole.

Like so.

Then cover over with a little soil.

Planting: Step 4 - Dibbing

Poke holes about 8mm deep with a suitable object.

Planting: Step 3 - Soaking

Soak the seeds with a spray gun of warm water.

Until soaked.

Planting: Step 2 - Earth

Filling the seed tray with soil.

Planting: Step 1 - Preparation

All the tools are arranged on the table.

Newspaper under the tray, soil to hand, seeds, a plate to examine seeds on, a spray bottle of warm water, masking tape and a pen.

Wednesday, 7 February 2007


The chilli seeds have arrived. All 18 varieties. Add to this the few that we have from last year too, and we're looking at perhaps 40 or more plants. It is possible that we have ordered too many seeds, and we have too little space, of course...

I'll be posting photos and updates here, purely for my own pleasure.
